The head louse is a parasite that lives on the scalp and the
hair shaft. Apparently, the problem of hair lice is not only experienced by
children. Even adults can also be infected.
In this article we will learn how to get rid of head lice fast. Because there are some easy ways to get
rid of head lice by using the following natural ingredients as they are a
reliable reference.
How to Get Rid of Lice Fast Naturally
1. Eradicate Lice with Garlic
The powerful smell of garlic can be intoxicating and
eradicate head lice. Simply apply by mixing eight to ten cloves of garlic in
the form of paste mixed with two to three teaspoons of lemon juice. Apply the
paste on the scalp and leave it for half an hour. Rinse thoroughly with warm
2. Using salt To Kill Hair Lice
Mix half a cup of table salt with half a cup of vinegar. Mix
well and put in a spray bottle. Spray on the entire section of hair until wet.
Wrap shower cap for approximately two hours. Rinse thoroughly and smeared a
conditioner. Repeat this step for three days in a row to get optimum results.
3. Knocked out Lice Egg with Olive Oil
Olive oil is one of the essential oils that have multiple
benefits. Especially in eliminating head lice. Combine a half cup of olive oil
with a half cup conditioner. Add a little liquid soap into it, mix well. Apply
the liquid on the scalp and hair, let stand for one hour. Then, rinse
thoroughly and add conditioner again. Brush comb, to thresh dead lice.
4. Get rid of the lice eggs with Baby Oil
Maintaining the health the hair and scalp can also be
circumvented by using baby oil. This baby product capable of intoxicating lice
attached to the scalp and hair shaft. The way is easy, apply baby oil on the
hair evenly.
Then, comb the hair gently to remove lice. Rinse hair using
a laundry detergent and warm water. After that, spray white vinegar on the hair
before bed and wrap overnight. The next morning, shampoo and apply conditioner.
5. Exterminating Lice with Coconut Oil
Slippery texture of coconut oil can block the action of
lice. These conditions make it difficult for the lice to breed. How to get rid
of head lice using coconut oil is by rinsing the hair using apple vinegar
beforehand. Dab coconut oil on the scalp and hair thoroughly and wrap shower
cap for six to eight hours. Next, comb the hair to thresh lice and wash using
your favorite shampoo.
6. Exterminate Lice with Petroleum Jelly
Apply petroleum jelly on the scalp and hair can make lice
feel hot. The condition is a powerful way to eradicate lice. Let the hair that
has been smeared with petroleum jelly overnight. Do not forget to wrap it with
a shower cap to suffocate lice. The next morning, apply baby oil to remove
petroleum jelly. Comb afterward to shed the dead lice.
7. Eliminate Hair Lice Using Tea Tree Oil
One material containing insecticide substance is tea tree
oil. Rub a mixture of one teaspoon of tea tree oil, an ounce of herbal shampoo
and three tablespoons of coconut oil can be an alternative in eliminating head
lice. To be a more optimal, wrap your hair for approximately one half hour.
Next, rinse with warm water. Comb the hair while still wet to eradicate lice.
8. Practical Ways to Remove Lice with White Vinegar
Practical and inexpensive way to eliminate head lice is to
use white vinegar. Dissolve water and white vinegar with the same comparison.
Apply the solution on the hair and scalp. Wrap use towels for approximately two
hours. Next, comb the hair using a comb that has been soaked in vinegar.
9. Although Slightly Odor, Sesame Oil Also Powerful in Exterminate Lice
Rich in antibacterial, anti-fungal to natural insecticide is
the advantages of sesame oil. The materials that can be used to eradicate lice.
Mix ¼ cup sesame oil, 1/8 neem leaf oil, one teaspoon of tea tree oil, a half
teaspoon of oil of eucalyptus and rosemary oil and ten drops of lavender oil.
First, rinse the hair using apple cider vinegar. When it is
dry, the liquid is then applied to the scalp and hair, wrap overnight. The next
day, the comb the hair to remove lice and shampoo thoroughly.
10. Mayonnaise
For maximum results, choose full-fat mayonnaise. Spread
mayonnaise on the scalp and wrap a shower cap overnight. The next morning,
shampoo hair thoroughly. Do not forget to comb your hair to shed lice from the
Eliminate head lice naturally can be handled using
ingredients you have at home, starting from herbs such as garlic until baby
care products. However, for successful eradicate head lice, do not forget to
apply it regularly.
For more information about how to get rid of lice fast visit
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